AcquisHEALTH Solutions
Solutions that make sense of health data
AcquisHEALTH Patient-centric healthcare systems are possible —
we're already working towards it.
The AcquisHEALTH platform addresses some of the pervasive, fundamental problems facing the global healthcare system. Big data is already used worldwide to further the goals of companies, industries, and big business interests. It's time that personal information is used for the greater good; to advance medical research and treatment and to empower patients in their medical journey by giving them access to and control of their medical records.
Designed with and adhering to healthcare data standards such as FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), the AcquisHEALTH platform provides healthcare clinicians and organizations with the tools and applications they need to manage patient care/pathway in a variety of clinical settings.
This extensible platform provides integrated healthcare applications for:
Primary and secondary provider healthcare record continuity
Interactive Patient – Provider Portal
Decentralize / Multi-site Clinical Trials
Rehabilitative, integrated community and social care programs
The AcquisHEALTH platform can be customized to fit any healthcare industry organization's needs. We can provide an application solution that works for you.​
Shared Care Record
At the platform’s core is a secure, shared care record (SCR) architected on the concept of a single,
immutable, longitudinal, sharable record of a patient’s health
throughout their entire life without geographical borders.
The Health Care Wallet reduces mistakes by providing
access to necessary medical information without compromising patient privacy or health care providers' proprietary services.
Patient Portal
Future-proof your eHR with the Acquis Health unified HR (uHR) patient portal. Integrate the secure One Health Patient Portal that provides patients with one portal for all their providers in their healthcare continuum - worldwide.
Patients are empowered to continue episodes of care safely with all health care providers using their shared care record, while increasing their engagement and improving their health outcomes.
Fast track your study!
Uniform cost model
Study wizard for setup
Agnostic smart device integration
Scalable and cost-effective for any size trial
Clinical Trials Platform
The AcquisHealth Clinical Trials Platform is an innovative, customized, cost-effective, secure ISO27001/GDPR-compliant clinical research study platform created with clinical academics, basic scientists, and statisticians for use in clinical studies and trials.
Built on top of the AcquisHEALTH platform, its extensive EDC/eCRF system ensures seamless interoperability with existing electronic health record and trial management systems, and real-world data from smartphones and smart medical devices, for patient-reported outcomes and decentralized trials.
Select data and results can become part of the patient's
Single Shared Record and My Health Wallet
as part of their health care continuum.
Without hidden fees, the uniform cost model makes the AcquisHEALTH Clinical Trials Platform suitable and affordable for any size trial to encourage research for all researchers and clinicians.
Exercise Therapeutics
This module allows for multiple referrals and a trackable workflow
of wellness progress, assessments, referrals, and results for patients in physical recovery.
The unique tailored program provides error-free healthcare continuity for patients with complex health conditions. It builds treatment protocols based on diagnosis, feedback, and compliance.
Practitioners can schedule multiple patient appointments into one gathering, class, or gym session, and associated assessments and visits will populate the patient's Shared Care Record to provide the patient and provider with a clear path to success by following evaluations, benchmarks, and test results.
Global RWE
Real-world evidence (RWE) is data collected outside of clinical trials, such as from electronic health records (EHRs), patient registries, and claims data.
AcquisHEALTH collects, aggregates, and analyzes
these data for use in generating evidence on the effectiveness, safety, and comparative
effectiveness of medical products and services.