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Smart Networks are Connected Networks


Utilities need to know what and where their assets are but in today's connected world they need to know in real-time. Customer safety and systems security are now intertwined, with identity management and security access paramount in the IoT world.   AcquisCONNECT enable secure collaborative planning and financial management across the organization and with external stakeholders like government agencies and citizens.

AcquisCONNECTS; the right people, with the right data, at the right time in a secure framework.

Network Management

A single framework enables cross-functional access to enterprise information, but utility networks need to be connected with operations and location intelligence within that enterprise.


Acquis CONNECT allows organizations to incorporate all their asset and location information across the enterprise systems to enhance asset, maintenance, monitoring, and emergency responses.

Connected Networks

Be Ahead of the Game with Proactive Protection

Proactive Analytics


Proactive responses depend in connected real-time information management.  AcquisCONNECT underlying technology enables multiple systems to seamlessly update information across the enterprise when it is updated in one system.


The beauty of enterprise is when an organizations operations are not dependent on silos of data from GIS systems to update the enterprise but rather the other way around.



Need help with GIS Data Silos?
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