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Smart Government is Connected Government


Government agencies all suffer from the same issues; cyber security, access issues, and disconnected systems with disconnected information. The problems arising from these issues cost time, money, and integrity. The solution is secure inter-agency and citizen engagement to connect the right people with the right data at the right time within a secure framework.

Government applications are never standard.
They require government-specific and geopolitical-specific compliance, operations, and capabilities.

How to Collaborate


Re-modernizing agencies need to develop their modernized capabilities in a single framework to enable cross-functional access to enterprise information. 
uisCONNECT is a secure system that identifies users, assigns roles to those users, and assigns or restricts their permission to the enterprise suite of applications based on their roles -  not the applications themselves.

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Efficiency: the right information, for the right people - at the right time.

How to Prepare for GDRP


Times are changing, and so are the individual rights of citizens. Customers can define their communications preferences, receive details of the information they gather, and decide the frequency of communications. 
Whether it is location, personal, or business information, organizations will pay a high price if they need to communicate effectively with the sources of data and provide feedback when requested about personal data gathered. 


Are you ready to search your silos ?
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